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103345 Ryan Roehrich <lists@t...> 2002‑02‑15 RE: Bio flood + coffin smoother iron ?
At 07:34 PM 2/15/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Ed Minch queries:
> >>Can anyone else remember a day with 3 - count 'em - 3 new bios??
>Welcome all!
>How's about four?

How about five? :)  My name is Ryan Roehrich and I've been a lurker on here 
for a few months and have really enjoyed it.  I'm 26 and live in Omaha, 
NE.  I too am in the IT world, employed as a Unix Administrator within 
Compaq.  Having too much technology in my life drove me to take up 
woodworking around this time last year.  At first my addiction to tools was 
all about power tools, however, over the past year that has largely 
switched over to hand tools.  This switch has allowed my 2 year old 
daughter to safely come work out in the garage and work with me which is 
alot of fun for both of us.  It's kinda neat to have a 2 year old know what 
a plane is instead of the latest and greatest kids toy :)

Recently I picked up a old cheap wooden coffin smoother to play around with 
while I wait for my Knight smoother.  The question I have is about the 
angle of the iron.  It measured the angle and it looks to be a bit less 
than 15 degrees.  Is this too small of an angle for a smoother?

Thanks everyone and it's great to be here!


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