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46726 "Wilson, Richard" <RWilson@C...> 1998‑07‑23 RE: Treenails and jowls
Steve Shapland, replying to Pauls query, says...

        >I seem to recall Roy Underhill using a dowel plate for
        >pins on one of his shows.  He split pieces of approximate size

Which made me recall that whilst enthroned yesterday evening, leafing
through one of Harold Underhill's books (doyen of model ships) I read
his description of making wooden trenails down to drill size No73.
He advocates bamboo, and use of a dowel plate, which he used to
make from iron hoops ex barrels.  When they lost the crisp corner
needed to cut well, you just drill a new one.

(I don't think trenails get much smaller than No73.....)

Richard Wilson
(fascinating books - my hero.... )

on assignment in Swindon, UK
Mail to
always reaches me eventuallly
cell phone +44  (0) 468 266052

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