Recent Observations

species location description date comments
Coyote Goldstream Valley
(64.888, -147.881)
Power line up from shayle 2024‑07‑23
American Kestrel Home Dead tree on dog island 2024‑07‑20 Four!
Spruce Grouse Home Across the creek near bridge 2024‑07‑19 Family of five
American Kestrel Home Behind back cabin 2024‑07‑18
Moose Home Powerline past Elizabeth shed 2024‑07‑08 Cow and cald
American Kestrel Home Over dog yard 2024‑07‑05
Black-backed Woodpecker Home Across creek from back cabin 2024‑06‑30
Bufflehead Home Swimming spot 2024‑06‑30
Yellow-shafted Flicker Home Dog Island 2024‑06‑29
Red-breasted Nuthatch Home Toward dog island 2024‑06‑29
American Three-toed Woodpecker Home Dog Island 2024‑06‑22
Moose Front 40
(64.891, -147.868)
Trail 2024‑06‑22 Cow, two calves
Snowshoe Hare Front 40
(64.891, -147.872)
Trail 2024‑06‑22
Solitary Sandpiper Home Slough 2024‑06‑22
Wood Frog Home In front of back cabin 2024‑06‑17
Western Wood-Pewee Home None 2024‑06‑15
Hairy Woodpecker Home On suet and peanut butter feeders 2024‑06‑14 Adult female feeding baby
Alder Flycatcher Home Somewhere across the slough 2024‑06‑10
Townsend’s Warbler Home None 2024‑06‑09 Across creek maybe
Olive-sided Flycatcher Home Toward front 40 2024‑06‑09
Orange-crowned Warbler Home Front yard to right of dog yard 2024‑06‑07
Yellow-shafted Flicker Home Miller Hill and Railroad 2024‑06‑05 Pair
Red Fox Front 40
(64.892, -147.881)
Miller Hill and Railroad 2024‑06‑05
Swainson’s Thrush Home Dog yard fence 2024‑05‑30
Harlan’s Hawk Home Over the house 2024‑05‑29 Pair, with an angry raven
Northern Waterthrush Home Along slough 2024‑05‑25
Swainson’s Thrush Home On dog island maybe 2024‑05‑24 Have been hearing calls in the middle of the night for several days
Lincoln’s Sparrow Home Near yellow bus 2024‑05‑17
American Wigeon Home On creek in front of back cabin 2024‑05‑15 Pair
Wilson’s Snipe Home Winnowing above the dog yard 2024‑05‑13
Lincoln’s Sparrow Home Near dog island 2024‑05‑11
Wilson’s Snipe Front 40
(64.890, -147.881)
Near thermokarst acres 2024‑05‑09
White-crowned Sparrow Home Tree next to red cabin 2024‑05‑07
Gambel’s White-crowned Sparrow Home On pallet in dog yard 2024‑05‑07
Common Goldeneye Home Creek in front of the house 2024‑05‑06
American Robin Home Flew from driveway to house number pole 2024‑05‑05
Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) Warbler Home On birch tree on west side of house 2024‑05‑04
American Robin Home Behind house 2024‑05‑04
Common Goldeneye Home On the creek past back cabin 2024‑05‑02
Bufflehead Home Creek near Tacoma 2024‑05‑02 Flew toward red cabin
Ermine Home Next to Tacoma 2024‑05‑02 Swam across the creek
Wood Frog Home By the Dakota 2024‑05‑01
Golden-crowned Sparrow Home Tree next to Tacoma 2024‑04‑30
Bufflehead Home Creek in front of back cabin 2024‑04‑30
Mallard Home Creek near bridge 2024‑04‑29 Pair
Sandhill Crane Home Flying over the house 2024‑04‑28
American Kestrel Home Dead tree on/near Dog Island 2024‑04‑27 Pair
American Robin Goldstream Valley
(64.882, -147.881)
Top of the road 2024‑04‑27
Sandhill Crane UAF
(64.876, -147.846)
Estle and Skarland near Ned 2024‑04‑27
Northern Harrier UAF
(64.870, -147.862)
T Field 2024‑04‑27

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